Project Description
Color: Black/Red/OEM color
Brake: EABS & F/R Disc brake
Suspension: Front and rear suspension
Range: 60-80km
Max Speed: 50km/h 70km/h
Product Size: 122*56*130cm
Motor: 52V1000W / 52V 1000W * 2
Battery: Lithium lion 52V18AH
Light: Front &rear light & brake light & LED lights
Tire: 10” Pneumatic rubber tire
Loading Rate: 20FT:130PCS 40FT:260PCS 40HQ:320PCS
N.W./G.W. 30KG/34kgs
Electric scooters are vehicles based on traditional human skateboards and electric kits. Current electric scooters are generally divided into two-wheel drive or single-wheel drive. The most common transmission methods are: hub motor and belt drive. The main source of power is lithium battery packs. In recent years, the rapid development of lithium battery electric scooters has spawned a new demand for electric scooters.
Electric scooters mainly include: an electric kick-scooter that can be slid on the ground by human feet and has an electric drive device, and an electric scooter that mainly relies on a drive device to travel.